Master of Science in Social Work

  • SW 388R (61567) Quantitative Data Analysis I Fall 2017
  • SW 393R3 (61580) Theories and Methods of Family Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R3 (61575) Theories and Methods of Family Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R (61585) Theories and Methods of Family Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R9 (61590) Assessment and Treatment of Traumatized Populations Fall 2017
  • SW 393R13 (61595) Cognitive Behavior Therapy Fall 2017
  • SW 393R15 (61600) Couples Counseling Fall 2017
  • SW 393R16 (61605) Coexisting Psychiatric & Substance Use Disorders Fall 2017
  • SW 393R18 (61610) Grief Counseling Summer 2017
  • SW 393R20 (61620) Methods of Play Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R22 (61635) Neurobiology and Social Work Practice Fall 2017
  • SW 360K / SW 393R (61375/61640) Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Fall 2017
  • SW 393R (61640) Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Fall 2017
  • SW 393R24 (61465) Treatment of Children and Adolescents Fall 2017
  • SW 393R26 (61660) Theories and Methods of Group Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R (61650) Theories and Methods of Group Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R (61655) Theories and Methods of Group Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R26 (61665) Theories and Methods of Group Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R29 (61675) Crisis Intervention Fall 2017
  • SW 393R (61680) Solution Focused Brief Therapy Fall 2017
  • SW 393T30 (61717) Grant Development and Fund-Raising in Human Services Fall 2017
  • SW 393T (61685) Leadership in Human Service Organizations Fall 2017
  • SW 393T18 (61690) Nonprofit Management in Human Services Fall 2017
  • SW 393T20 (61695) Information Systems and Communication in Social Work Fall 2017
  • SW 393T23 (61700) Advanced Policy Practice Fall 2017
  • SW 393T25 (61705) Social Change in Social Work Fall 2017
  • SW 393T28 (61710) Program Evaluation Fall 2017
  • SW 393K (61765) Transformative Teams in Healthcare: Advanced Interpersonal Seminar on Communication and Collaboration Spring 2018
  • SW 393K (61765) Transformative Teams in Healthcare: Advanced Interpersonal Seminar on Communication and Collaboration Fall 2017
  • SW 393T (61715) Financial Management in Human Services Fall 2017
  • SW 640 (61850) Social Work Practicum I Spring 2017
  • SW 641 (61855) Social Work Practicum II Spring 2017
  • SW 394S (62220) Field Instruction III and IV: Administration and Policy Practice Spring 2017
  • SW 394S (62220) Field Instruction III and IV: Administration and Policy Practice Spring 2017
  • SW 394S (62225) Field Instruction III and IV: Administration and Policy Practice Spring 2017
  • SW 387R33 (94725) Child and Adult Attachment in Clinical Social Work Practice Summer 2012
  • SW N393R1 (62835) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Summer 2012
  • SW 393R1 (94735) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Summer 2012
  • SW 393R22 (94750) Neurobiology and Social Work Practice Summer 2012
  • SW 393R24 (94760) Treatment of Children and Adolescents Summer 2012
  • SW 393R26 (94765) Theories and Methods of Group Intervention Summer 2012
  • SW 393R9 (94745) Assessment and Treatment of Traumatized Populations Summer 2012
  • SW 393T10 (94770) Grant Development and Fund Raising in Human Services Summer 2012
  • SW 393T19 (94775) Strategic Partnerships Through Collaborative Leadership Summer 2012
  • Sw 360K (62525) Loss and Grief: Individual, Family and Cultural Perspectives Spring 2012
  • SW 360K (62565) Social Work Practice with African-American Families Spring 2012
  • SW 360K / SW 393R23 (62550/62855) Treatment of Chemical Dependence Spring 2012
  • SW 360K (62555) World Religions Spring 2012
  • SW 382R (62600) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Spring 2012
  • SW 382R (62595) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Spring 2012
  • SW 382R (62580) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Spring 2012
  • SW 381R (62575) Human Behavior and the Social Environment
  • SW 360K / SW 395K (62560/62970) Youth, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice Spring 2012
  • SW 385T (62760/62725) Advanced Integrative Capstone in Social Work Knowledge and Practice Spring 2012
  • SW 385T (62755/62720) Advanced Integrative Capstone in Social Work Knowledge and Practice Spring 2012
  • SW 385T (62785/62750) Advanced Integrative Capstone in Social Work Knowledge and Practice Spring 2012
  • SW 385T (62765/62730) Advanced Integrative Capstone in Social Work Knowledge and Practice
  • SW 385T (62770/62775) Advanced Integrative Capstone in Social Work Knowledge and Practice Spring 2012
  • SW 382R (90750) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Summer 2016
  • SW 382R (60920) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Spring 2016
  • SW 382R (60915) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Spring 2016
  • SW 382R (60910) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Spring 2016
  • SW 381T (90740) Dynamics of Organizations and Communities Summer 2016
  • SW 381T (61295) Dynamics of Organizations and Communities Fall 2016
  • SW 381T (61280) Dynamics of Organizations and Communities Fall 2016
  • SW 381T (61275) Dynamics of Organizations and Communities Fall 2016
  • SW 381S (61265) Foundations of Social Justice_ Values, Diversity, Power and Oppression Fall 2016
  • SW 388R7 (62820) Data Analysis II Spring 2012
  • SW 393R1 (62840) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Spring 2012
  • SW694R Field Instruction III and IV Spring 2012
  • SW640 Social Work Practicum Spring 2012
  • SW 495K (62975) Roots of Social and Economic Justice – An International Perspective Spring 2011
  • SW 460K / SW 495K (62570/62975) Roots of Social and Economic Justice: An International Perspective Spring 2011
  • SW 395K11 (62850) Clinical Intervention with Intergenerational Families Giving Care Spring 2012
  • SW 395K (63021) Specialization Area Seminar Spring 2012
  • SW 395K (62960) Secondary Data Analysis Spring 2012
  • SW 393U18 (62875) Restorative Justice Spring 2012
  • SW 393T16 (62870) Social Work Leadership in Human Service Organizations Spring 2012
  • SW 393T16 (62865) Social Work Leadership in Human Service Organizations Spring 2012
  • SW 393T11 (62900) International Social Work Spring 2012
  • SW 393R1 (62845) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Spring 2012
  • SW 393R1 (62835) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Spring 2012
  • SW 393R (62830) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Spring 2012
  • SW 385T (62755) Advanced Integrative Capstone in Social Work Knowledge and Practice Spring 2012
  • SW 393T10 (93965) Grant Development and Fund Raising in Human Services Summer 2014
  • SW 393R26 (93960) Theories and Methods of Group Intervention Summer 2014
  • SW 393R1 (64385) Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Spring 2014
  • SW 387R33 (93920) Child and Adult Attachment in Clinical Social Work Practice Summer 2014
  • SW 387R16 (93915) Developmental Disabilities and Self-Advocacy Summer 2014
  • SW 387C (93905) Direct Practice Field Immersion Summer 2014
  • SW 383T (93895) Social Work Practice II Summer 2014
  • SW 383T (93890) Social Work Practice II Summer 2014
  • SW 382R (93885) Social Policy Analysis and Social Problems Summer 2014
  • SW 381T (93880) Dynamics of Organizations and Communities Summer 2014
  • SW 360K / SW 395K (93860/94010) Suicide Prevention Summer 2014
  • SW 360K / SW 387R (93855/93910) Loss and Grief: Individual, Family and Cultural Perspectives Summer 2014
  • SW 694R Field Instruction III and IV Spring 2014
  • SW 460K / SW 495K (63390/63750) London-Roots of Social and Economic Justice_ An International Perspective Spring 2014
  • SW 444 (64040) Field Seminar Spring 2014